[26] de Marez, C., Lee, B., A. & Ruiz-Angulo, A. Study of blue whiting eggs and larvae dispersal by oceanic currents in the North Atlantic. Fisheries Oceanography (in prep).
[25] Ruiz-Angulo, A., Portela-Rodriguez, E., de Marez, C., Macrander, A., Ólafdóttir, S., Meunier, T., Jónsson, S., & Pérez-Hernández, D. Stratification and Mixed Layer Depth around Iceland, characterization and interannual variability. Ocean Science (in prep.).
[24] de Marez, C., Ruiz-Angulo, A. & Gula, J. High-Resolution Characterization of Mesoscale Eddies and Vertical Heat Fluxes estimate atop the Iceland Faroe Ridge. GRL (submitted).
[23] de Marez, C., Vives, C., Portela-Rodriguez, E., A. & Ruiz-Angulo, A. Mesoscale Ocean Processes: The Critical Role of Stratification in the Icelandic Region. JGR: Oceans (submitted).
[22] de Marez, C., & Callies, J. (2025) The information contained in altimetric Sea Surface Height frequency spectra, Journal of Physical Oceanography.
[21] Barabinot, Y., Reinaud, J., Carton, X., de Marez, C., & Meunier T. (2024) A 3D Minimum Enstrophy Vortex in stratified quasi-geostrophic flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
[20] de Marez, C., Ruiz-Angulo, A., & Le Corre, M. (2024) Structure of the bottom boundary current South of Iceland and spreading of deep waters by submesoscale processes, Geophysical Research Letters.
[19] Cassianides, A., Lique, C., Tréguier, A-M., Meneghello, G., & de Marez, C. (2023) Observed spatio-temporal variability of the eddy-sea ice interactions in the Arctic Basin, JGR: Oceans.
[18] de Marez, C., Callies, J., Haines, B., Rodriguez-Chavez, D., & Wang, J. (2023) Observational Constraints on the Submesoscale Sea Surface Height Variance of Balanced Motion, Journal of Physical Oceanography.
[17] Maréchal G. & de Marez, C. (2022) Variability of wind wave field by realistic mesoscale and submesoscale eddy field, Ocean Sciences.
[16] de Marez, C. & Carton, X. (2021) Interaction of an upwelling front with external vortices: impact on cross-shore particle exchange, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics.
[15] de Marez, C., Le Corre, M., & Gula, J. (2021) The influence of merger and convection on an anticyclonic eddy trapped in a bowl, Ocean Modelling.
[14] Meunier, T., Pallas-Sanz, E., de Marez, C. , & Pérez, J., (2021) The Dynamical Structure of a Warm Core Ring as Inferred from Glider Observations and Along-Track Altimetry, Remote Sensing.
[13] L'Hégaret, P., de Marez, C. , Morvan, M., Meunier, T., & Carton, X. (2021). Spreading and vertical structure of the Persian Gulf and Red Sea outflows in the northwestern Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans.
[12] Ayouche, A., de Marez, C. , Morvan, M., L'Hégaret, P., Carton, X., Le Vu, B., & Stegner, A. (2021). Structure and Dynamics of the Ras al Hadd oceanic dipole in the Arabian Sea, Oceans.
[11] de Marez, C., Meunier, T., Tedesco, P., L'Hégaret, P., & Carton, X. (2020). Vortex-wall interaction on the β-plane and the generation of deep submesoscale cyclones by internal Kelvin Waves-current interactions, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.
[10] de Marez, C., Carton, X., Corréard, S., L'Hégaret, P., & Morvan, M. (2020). Observation of a deep submesoscale cyclonic vortex in the Arabian Sea, Geophysical Research Letters.
[9] Morvan, M., Carton X., L'Hégaret, P., de Marez, C., Corréard S., & Louazel S. (2020). On the dynamics of an idealised bottom density current overflowing in a semi-enclosed basin: mesoscale and submesoscale eddies generation , Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.
[8] de Marez, C., Carton, X., L'Hégaret, P., Meunier, T., Stegner, A., Le Vu, B., & Morvan, M. (2020) Oceanic vortex mergers are not isolated but influenced by the β-effect and surrounding eddies, Scientific Reports.
[7] de Marez, C., Lahaye, N., & Gula, J. (2020) Interaction of the Gulf Stream with small scale topography: a focus on lee waves, Scientific Reports.
[6] Meunier, T., Sheinbaum, J., Pallas-Sanz, E., Tenreiro, M., Ochoa, J., Ruiz-Angulo, A., Carton, X., & de Marez, C. (2020) Heat content anomaly and decay of warm-core rings: The case of the Gulf of Mexico, Geophysical Research Letters.
[5] Morvan, M., L'Hégaret, P., de Marez, C., Carton X., Corréard S., & Baraille R. (2020). Life cycle of mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Aden , Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.
[4] de Marez, C., Meunier, T., Morvan, M., L'Hégaret, P., & Carton, X. (2020) Study of the stability of a large Realistic Cyclonic Eddy, Ocean Modelling .
[3] Morvan, M., L'Hégaret, P., Carton X., Gula, J., Vic, C., de Marez, C., Sokolovskiy, M.A., Koshel, K. (2019). The life cycle of submesoscale eddies generated by topographic interactions, Ocean Science.
[2] de Marez, C., Morvan, M., L'Hégaret, P., & Carton, X. (2019). On the 3D structure of eddies in the Arabian Sea, Deep Sea Research Part. I .
[1] de Marez, C., Carton, X., Morvan, M., & Reinaud, J. N. (2017). The Interaction of Two Surface Vortices Near a Topographic Slope in a Stratified Ocean, Fluids , 2(4), 57.
PhD Thesis
de Marez, C. (2021) Dynamique des structures cohérentes de méso et sousméso-échelle en mer d'Arabie, PhD Thesis.
Can the earth be flat ? a physical oceanographer's perspective
Study of lee waves in the Gulf Stream. Master 2 internship under the supervision of Jonathan Gula and Noé Lahaye. Report.
Interaction de deux tourbillons de surface proche d'une marche topographique dans un océan stratifié. Master 1 internship under the supervision of Xavier Carton. Report (in french).
Mécanismes responsables d'une transition ductile-fragile dans les métaux : simulation par Dynamique Moléculaire. Licence 3 internship under the supervision of Dome Tanguy. Report (in french).
Effet Aharonov-Bohm dans sa baignoire. Practical project with Guilliam Butseraen, published in Journal de Physique et Chimie des Étudiants de l'ENS Lyon here; original report here (in french).
Dynamique de foules. Numerical methods project with Grégoire Uhlrich. Report (in french).
Décohérence: du quantique au classique. Quantum information project with Grégoire Uhlrich and Guilliam Butseraen. Report (in french).